Hosted by The Electric Power Engineering Group,
University of Puerto Rico -Mayagüez
Picture Gallery 2008
*Conference topics
The overall theme of the PMAPS conference is power engineering decision problems under uncertainty. "The conference topics therefore include different probabilistic methods with applications to power system planning, operation, control, maintenance, condition monitoring, diagnostics, among others."
Probabilistic methods include but are not limited to:
- Stochastic optimization
- Stochastic load forecasting
- Reliability centered maintenance
- Structural reliability
- Bayesian reliability analysis
- Component importance methods
- Lifetime data analysis
- Monte Carlo techniques
The methods may be applied to all fields within power systems such as generation, transmission and distribution.
Dr. Agustín Irizarry-Rivera
General Chair PMAPS 2008
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Dr. Juan Martínez Velásco
Technical Chair
Universitat Politecnico de Catalunya
Dept. d'Enginyeria Electrica - ETSEIB
Barcelona, Spain